Ten Point Tune Up

Ten Point Tune Up

Ten point tune up for tradies in your workplace. Designed for Wellbeing leads, HR, WHS and L& D managers to learn how to boost physical and mental fitness for all outdoor workers.

Register for your free tickets here

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Midyear Reset

Midyear Reset

By midyear, it's crucial to reassess and realign our energy to finish strong. Learn habit disruption, working with your physiology in scheduling, movement to refocus, sleep foundations and the importance of your tribe.

Register for your free ticket here:

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Workplace Health & Safety Show
to May 23

Workplace Health & Safety Show

  • Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Carli Phillips will be speaking on “3 Gaps in Psych Safety.” We are exhibiting at the Corporate Wellbeing Hub booth and you can find Carli on the Spotlight stage as MC to the speaker line up. Register for free tickets here

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Champion Wellbeing with 3 steps at work

Champion Wellbeing with 3 steps at work

Are you unsure how you can make an impact to wellbeing? Every individual can make a difference with 3 steps at work. These steps will empower you to get the ball rolling and really start to improve wellbeing of yourself and your peers. Perfect for any employees who want to make a difference to wellbeing at work, wellbeing leads, WHS and HR. Hosted by Carli Phillips.

Register for free tickets here

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Optimising the social brain to build engagement

Optimising the social brain to build engagement

  • Appreciating the current work landscape and its effects on the employee experience

  • Establishing the need for a culture of belonging vs isolation

  • Discovering the health and performance benefits of social connection

  • Building employee-employer connection through The ART of Connection™ Model

Hosted by Charlotte Jameson

Register here

Watch video here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Creating Wellbeing For Your Workplace

Wellbeing 2024 - Creating Wellbeing For Your Workplace

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions

Register here

Watch video here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Online

Wellbeing 2024 - Online

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Secrets from the boardroom – what execs want to see to approve a budget

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions

Register here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Melbourne NOW ONLINE 6TH DEC 10AM

Wellbeing 2024 - Melbourne NOW ONLINE 6TH DEC 10AM

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Secrets from the boardroom – what execs want to see to approve a budget

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions


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Wellbeing 2024 - Springvale

Wellbeing 2024 - Springvale

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Secrets from the boardroom – what execs want to see to approve a budget

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions

Register here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Gippsland

Wellbeing 2024 - Gippsland

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Secrets from the boardroom – what execs want to see to approve a budget

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions

Register here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Frankston

Wellbeing 2024 - Frankston

·      Surprising New Wellbeing Trends for 2024

·      How to assess for psychosocial risks & Wellbeing indicators 

·      Secrets from the boardroom – what execs want to see to approve a budget

·      Legal obligations, ROI & VOI

·      Wellbeing menu 2024, delivery models PLUS employee engagement toolkits

·      A checklist to create a customised wellbeing program

·      Best practice approach with Wellbeing Champions

Register here

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Wellbeing 2024 - Parramatta

Wellbeing 2024 - Parramatta

Wellbeing 2024 - Creating wellbeing for your workplace

  • A checklist to identify psychosocial risks & wellbeing indicators

  • Improving employee physical & mental wellbeing

  • Build a customised action plan

  • 2024 Wellbeing trends and ideas

  • Designed for WHS, HR and all people leaders

Register here: here

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Workplace Health & Safety Show Brisbane
to Jun 1

Workplace Health & Safety Show Brisbane


How to identify psychological risks, physical risks, workplace wants and needs.  A step by step guide to assess employee wellbeing, build a customised wellbeing program, choose delivery models and engage wellbeing champions from the ground up.  Every attendee will receive free tools to take back to your workplace!  Includes a workplace wellbeing assessment, health dates 2023, a wellbeing champion template and a corporate wellbeing checklist! 

Register here for your free tickets: https://www.whsshow.com.au

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Safework People at Work survey live demo

Safework People at Work survey live demo

Co-hosted by Ian Firth (Safework NSW State Inspector) and Carli Phillips (Corporate Wellbeing Hub Keynote Speaker).

Ian will present a live demonstration of People at Work survey. This is a free and validated Australian psychosocial risk assessment survey. The survey assesses a number of the most common psychosocial hazards and factors.

The survey is a part of a five step process that you can use to identify, assess and control risks to psychological health at work. Resources are provided to help you:

  • Prepare for and roll out the People at Work survey,

  • Interpret the results, and

  • Take action based on the survey results.

Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=DQSIkWdsW0yxEjajBLZtrQAAAAAAAAAAAAO__Ru48D9URE5JTFNVVVlQNUdJS01JTzVFQUtUVlMwMi4u

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